Structural Steel V/s Reinforced Concrete – Which is Better?

When approaching a construction project, one of the most important decisions that you will make is to choose between structural steel and reinforced concrete. Depending on whether the crew works on structural steel fabrication or with reinforced concrete, it is going to have long-term effects on the overall budget, timeline, and quality of the construction.
While many businesses tend to opt for the less expensive material right away, when you have been in the industry for as long as we have, it is clear that cost should not be the only deciding factor. In today’s post, we attempt a comparison between structural steel and reinforced concrete.
Structural steel definitely has the edge over concrete when it comes to cost-effectiveness. A major portion of the supply comes from recycled steel, making it cheaper than other forms of raw material. Steel is also the more lightweight material out of the two, leading to less labor costs. They are also easier to transport and install.
Reinforced concrete has a complicated assembly process involving cement, water, sand/gravel, and even bars. This means a rise in construction expenditure.
Steel consists of compact cross sections that are a staggering 60% lighter than reinforced concrete. Concrete sections are bulky and way heavier than steel. The average weight of concrete is around 2700 kg per cubic meter.
Steel has the highest strength-to-weight ratio among all building materials, even concrete. Scientists figured structural steel is eight times as strong as reinforced concrete in tension and shear. Steel is also highly resistant to stress (tensile, compressive, or flexural), unlike its contemporary concrete.
A lot of engineers today avoid using concrete for above-grade construction since it is rigid and non-pliable. Concrete also makes it harder to execute preferred quality control practices.
Structural steel fabrication is carried out off-site while reinforced concrete parts are cast in-situ. The fabrication of multiple steel components is performed simultaneously. This saves the crew a lot of time, as opposed to concrete, which is cast in steps spaced apart by a 28-day curing period.
Steel structures being lightweight, require a considerably smaller foundation. Furthermore, in case the project requires modifications, it is so much more possible to disassemble steel than having to demolish reinforced concrete.
It is true that concrete can be made into a greater number of different shapes but it is not ideal for big distances. Steel segments are the material of choice for spanning over huger dimensions. It also doesn’t require immediate support making way for open, unobstructed spaces.
Environmental Impact
Around 90% of the world’s steel structures come from recycling. The thing about steel is that it can be recycled over and over again without diminishing in quality or strength. The steel industry is one of the few in the world which has been keeping its greenhouse gas emissions below the recommended level since its inception.
Concrete does not contain ingredients harmful to the environment but the production process is unnecessarily resource-intensive.
Structural Steel Fabrication Services at Bigfoot Pipe and Piling
Bigfoot Pipe and Piling’s steel fabrication facility is one of the best in the country. We have high-quality equipment, multiple welding lines, and extremely well-trained staff. For more details and offers on our fabrication services, visit our website today!