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FeedSteel Pipe Maintenance & Troubleshooting

Pipeline Failure: Why It Occurs and How to Prevent It?

By August 24, 2022September 17th, 2024No Comments

Though pipe failure is not a regular occurrence, it does occur sometimes in the energy industry. These types of problems are associated with steel pipes which are prone to erosion. According to statistical analysis, the frequencies of pipeline failure range from 0.4 to 0.6 times /kilo-km every year. The numbers have been steadily rising over the last twelve-years.

The pipe failure density rises to up to 0.14 occurrences/kilo-km each year in those places which are prone to vibration. Keep in mind that pipeline failure hurts the stakeholders, the environment, and the operations of the company. That’s why the experts should take precautions during the pipe installation to mitigate damages. Installing high-quality steel pipes for construction can lower the failure rate.

What Are the Types of Pipeline Failures?

  • Mechanical failures
  • Corrosion
  • Excavation accidents
  • Natural forces including earthquakes
  • Installation errors

What Happens to the Operator After Pipe Failure?

If a pipeline failure occurs, the company loses its production immediately. It affects their profitability quickly. Research has shown that the operators lost an average of over $157,000 per incident. Remember that the operator may have to count legal costs as well in case the pipe failure affects the surrounding environment.

Why Do Pipe Failures Occur?

Pipe Becomes Damaged During Installation

The pipe can be damaged in various ways during installation. Most of the times, the pipes are run over by heavy cars damaging the steel in it. Sometimes, the workers over-pressure the pipe during bending and hydro-testing, it is another reason for failure.

Overheat the Pipe

Increasing the temperature of the pipe while conducting testing and installation makes it liable to fail soon enough.

How Can You Mitigate Pipe Failure While Installation?

One of the best ways to prevent such damage is to be aware of the main reasons for failure as mentioned above and strictly follow the appropriate protocols during installation.

You should also ensure the quality of the product and hire experienced workers so that they know how to handle an installation. To purchase quality steel pipes for construction, contact a professional company who are reputed in the industry.

Call for Professionals

Now you know the importance of pipe installation and how it can affect your business. Therefore, to ensure proper installation and quality product, contact us at Bigfoot Pipe And Piling.