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Learn to Identify Which Grades of Stainless Steel You Have?

By June 22, 2022January 7th, 2025No Comments

It is a popular belief that stainless steel does not rust which is not true at all. The material stainless is not fully non-corrosive. It will not be rusted until the material is inbound condition. If you misuse it by any chance which may exceed the corrosion resistance power, the material will rust.

The experts acknowledge that 304 stainless steel products have zero hazards and are harmless. It is one of the most popular items in the stainless steel industry. But how can you be sure that the steel you have bought is made of 304 stainless steel? Many people may suggest you do physical identification to detect the right type of stainless steel. But keep in mind that this process cannot differentiate the specific steel grade.

That’s why we have shared a few types of methods which can help you to identify whether the material is made of 304 stainless steel or not. If you want to purchase quality steel sheet piling for your upcoming projects, then contact an expert quickly.

Detect the Material With a Magnet

A magnet can differentiate between various types of stainless steel. Remember that chrome stainless steel pulls magnets in any condition. But nickel stainless steel is non-magnetic in a particular state. Though magnets can distinguish between these two types of steel, they cannot determine other types of steel including SS 410 and SS316.

Color Identification

Keep in mind that the surface area of stainless steel becomes white and bright after pickling. When it comes to chrome-nickel stainless steel, it becomes jade-colored and silver-white. Without pickling, the surface color of chrome-manganese-nitrogen stainless steel is black whereas chrome-nickel stainless steel has brownish-white and chrome stainless steel has a brownish-black shade.


In this process, the experts grind the stainless steel on the machine and notice the spark. If it is a streamlined spark, then the steel has denser knots and that means the steel is manganese nitrogen steel with a higher manganese component. In case, there is no sign of a knot that means it is chrome-nickel stainless steel.

Contact Us

Though there are other ways to detect the right kind of stainless steel from SS 410 to SS316, all types of steel have different usage. Therefore, it would be better if you contact an expert before purchasing steel sheet piling. You can also contact us at Bigfoot Pipe and Piling to get the best quality product along with professional advice.