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Structural Steel Fabrication: Facts Everybody Must Know

By November 9, 2022September 17th, 2024No Comments

Nowadays, steel has become a significant part of our lives and contributes to our economy. We are witnesses to the advantages of new and advanced technologies. Due to these reasons, manufacturers, government and other businesses rely on steel for their projects. We have discussed in this article about structural steel fabrication process, its process and its advantages.

What Is Structural Steel Fabrication?

The structural steel fabrication process involves bending, cutting and giving shape to form a structure. The experts utilize steel fabrication processes to make a unique structure according to the requirements. Pursuing this process requires skills, knowledge and resource to complete.

What Are the Stages of Fabrication?

First, the fabricators cut the steel using different tools, including water jets, plasma torches and laser cutters. It is completed in a manufacturing facility that maintains safety precautions to protect the workers.

Afterward, the experts manually or use machines to bend the alloy. Which way to bend the steel that entirely depends upon the amount of repetitive bending the project needs. The more your project requires bending, the more fabricators prefer machines.

Next and in this final stage, the experts combine various steel parts to shape the steel. They can also do welding to make a structure. Welding is basically the application of heat to melt the steel parts to join them together.

Which Industries Require the Most Structural Steel Fabrication?

Manufacturing Industry

In this industry, experts use structural steel to produce steel ladders, platforms, mezzanines, steel handrails, industrial stairs and more.

Energy Field

The energy industries depend on fabricated structural steel to make wind turbines, pipelines, transmission towers and oil and gas well platforms.

Construction Industry

Engineers, architects, and contractors use fabricated steel to construct steel plates, beams, girders, and H-shaped steel sections as a part of a large construction.

Shipbuilding Industry

Experts can only make recreational boats, ferries and supertankers using fabricated structural steel.

What Are the Advantages of Structural Steel Fabrication?

Steel is durable and resistant to corrosion and tensile pressure. According to research, steel’s strength is higher, making it appropriate for the construction industry. It is cheaper than other materials such as silver, copper, aluminum, gold and magnesium. Generally, fabricators deal with steel which is in the pre-fabrication phase. As a result, they don’t need to do much work during fabrication.

Experts also coat steel with fire-resistant elements during structural steel fabrication, which makes it resistant to fire. Also, it is resistant to water and can withstand earthquakes and storms if installed correctly.

Using fabricated structural steel is a popular choice which is used from simple to complex projects. Structural steel is also a recyclable and eco-friendly option for metal fabricators.

Get in Touch with Us

Bigfoot Pipe And Piling is a famous steel pipe supplier in Oklahoma. Our experts use quality steel with the latest fabrication technologies and offer our customers an excellent product.